Founded in 1996 to provide schools, community service providers, and audiences purpose development education and films to empower urban at-risk youth with hope, purpose and life-skills.
Meet our Team
Adam Ybarra
Founder. Author. Filmmaker.
Loves People. Loves God. Loves Education.
Growing up in a single parent home on welfare surrounded by drugs and gangs, to a life of success and influence. Adam served as Oakland Raiders Team Chaplain for 12 seasons. (Appointed by Head Coach Jon Gruden) Adam has spoken to New York Jets, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Carolina Panthers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Tennessee Titans, Seattle Seahawks and University of Oregon. He has been featured in New York Post, San Jose Mercury News,, and Detroit Free Press. Adam created the innovative high quality Raising Expectations Standards and Honor 180 (RESH 180) curriculum designed to set in motion purpose thinking. Adam produced an Award Winning Documentary “Making Of A Gangsta” recently signed for Distribution in Late 2019.
Jennifer Rascon
RESH 180 Instructor
From RESH 180 student to RESH 180 teacher.
click to contact Jennifer
Mari Rubio
RESH 180 Instructor
I love coaching students to see their greatness and potential.
click to contact Mari
Chantel Tomei
RESH 180 Instructor
Love to help youth become purpose driven. Check out my youtube channel thebluenosepitbull.
click to contact Chantel
Tim Rubio
Curriculum Developer
Impacting a young life with purpose is what gets me up in the morning.
click to contact Tim